jul 5 2011

sort of’

Just got home from work and I’m supposed to make dinner. But, my feet says no.  I’ll just take a shower and then, relax.

Today, there’s 2 quotes who can describe it; «If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more» and «Pain is the proof of you’re still alive»

Have a great day peepz. And be careful, someone may try ruin your day!

jul 5 2011

just because i love you

This is one of those days. I’m so tired, and the light who’s supposed to lead the way is out. I just need a vacation. I want to run away for some weeks, just disappear and come home when it’s time.

But, because I got my love here. I’m not going anywhere.  Good night ya’ all!

jul 3 2011

why do you write in english?

I am a norwegian girl, thats right. But since i doesn’t travel so much, I don’t go any English og literature studies, so the truth is I just want to be better write, improve my proverb and just become better. That’s the fact.

And finally; details(or quotes) about me:

  • I’m not a blonde, but my color is.
  • People say I look too old, but really I’m just a shitkid on your age.
  • I’ve did some horrible things in my life. Some of them are too awful to speak out loud.
  • I love attention.
  • I’m actually pretty.
  • I love the 90s, the clothes and the hair is so genius!

More facts will come soon 🙂 i promise

jul 3 2011

Good Morning Sunshines!

I can promise you that while I was sleeping, some crashed a bomb in my house. It looks awful, and i have to clean the hole apartment before work. Lovely! But still, the weather is beautiful today. It doesn’t rain, it’s a lot clouds so the sun doesn’t show. Just like my mood, fits perfectly! I think this will be a great day. After i turned mt computer off yesterday, i began to think.(again) When the time passes I will write about all the things(STUPID things) I’ve done. And you guys can laugh, be shocked and enjoy reading it. And I can finally be finished and start over again. And since you asked…. Yes, i recently met a guy, he’s not my boyfriend.(yet)

Have a great day everyone, and if you have something on your heart. I will be glad to help!

jul 3 2011

What if I’m not enough?

It’s really late, but I’m still awake. I have to much on my mind. The last weeks has been awful. I’m so exhausted. Sometimes I wish i was five years again, and dad did everything he could to make my day great. I try so hard to make my parents proud, but it never feels like it’s enough. Sometimes I just want to give up. Let go of everything, and travel. Let every responsibility, all the hard feelings and all the thoughts left.

Fall down seven times stand up eight

I just took my first tattoo. It was kind’a random when I got it. But i doesn’t regret. It feels so right, if you know what I mean? It reminds me of that I always can do better,  always have more to give and doesn’t do the hard times take me down. When someone says «you’re only human» I can answer  «no, there’s  millions of humans, but there’s only one of me»



























Everybody tells me «tomorrow will be better». But what if I want today to be great? What if tomorrow isn’t good enough? What if I’m tired of looking forward to a «better summer then last year», why can’t just everyday be the best day ever?

NO. Just stop talking. And say good night.

And the «wise word’s of the week is: We got to types of hate, the kind we love and the kind we hate.

Have a great day bloggers, and visit me some other day! cuz I’m in a bad mood at this time.